Blog Archives

Spring Planting Season: Select the Right Tree

Selection of trees for planting in a home landscape depends on the desired effect and the purpose the trees will satisfy in the landscape, explains Tchukki Andersen, staff arborist with the Tree Care Industry Association.

Did A Storm Damage Your Tree?

Winter storms cause tremendous stress and severe damage to trees in the urban forest. Obviously, a snapped or downed tree should be removed. What about a tree that suffers minor damage? How can a homeowner tell if a tree is safe?

Storms Approaching … Will Your Landscape Survive?

Late fall and winter are the seasons for some of nature’s most severe weather. Storms in all shapes and forms create havoc throughout the country. One of the greatest dangers posed by storms are presented by falling trees. Unsafe trees are a threat to lives and property.

Utility Lines Pose Dangers After Storms

Winter storms season is upon us again, and that spells danger to our urban forest. High winds, ice and snow put tremendous pressures on trees growing near houses or power lines. In their wake, property owners face the task of clearing trees and downed limbs.

Cracks Can Cause Hazards in Trees

As winter deepens, homeowners and property managers are advised by the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) that tree failure is a major cause of property damage. An ice storm or high wind can cause a cracked tree to fail under its own weight.

Trees and Insurance Coverage

As winter ice storms give way to spring and summer tornadoes, which give way to fall hurricane season, there’s never a bad time to learn about limiting the financial losses caused by tree damage to your property. What’s covered? What isn’t? How can you minimize your losses?

A Life Preserver for Drowning Trees

Are your trees drowning? Heavy snows and a wetter-than-normal spring in much of the country have left many trees sitting in soil saturated with water. Too much water at the base of a tree can cause myriad problems. A traditional life preserver might not be the answer for these leafy giants, but a little knowledge – and knowing where to seek assistance – can help trees survive spring thaw.

Nature’s Air Conditioners

If you have ever escaped from blazing hot sun in a shady spot under a tree, you know how these natural air conditioners can make you feel more comfortable. A mature shade tree can block up to 90 percent of solar radiation, which could translate to a significant reduction in your home cooling cost. A Pennsylvania study found that air conditioning needs could be reduced by up to 75 percent by shading a house with trees!

Home Inspections Outside the House

Imagine settling on a nice new home and a few weeks later having the large old oak tree fall on your house. Or maybe being informed by an arborist that an old poplar tree is dangerous because ofroot rot and it will cost $6,000 to have it removed and hauled away.

Southern Tree Services of Beaufort, SC